Mixed feelings: Inong Ayu, Abimana Aryasatya's wife, will be blessed with her 4th child after 23 years of marriage

Stomach pain and diarrhea after car accident. It typically occurs due to a virus, bacteria, or parasite.

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Stomach pain and diarrhea after car accident. This happens because of the impact of the car accident.

7 April 2024 12:56

Stomach pain and diarrhea after car accident. You may also experience weakness or even numbness in the arm, hand, fingers, and even neck. Diarrhea is when a person has three or more unformed or watery stools in a 24-hour period. The symptoms can include: stomach pain or cramping Jan 24, 2024 · Abdominal pain after eating can stem from the following causes, each of which is characterized by pain and additional symptoms: Constipation or diarrhea: Cramping. However, the exact mechanism of increased intestinal permeability Jun 1, 2023 · Common causes of nausea and vomiting after a car accident include: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): A moderate to severe concussion or other traumatic brain injury can cause a person to experience nausea or vomiting. Ice may also help prevent tissue damage. Broken bones or fractures: Another common 4. It typically occurs due to a virus, bacteria, or parasite. Even if you do not, though, as soon as you experience stomach pain, seek medical help immediately. Mar 5, 2024 · Lower Stomach Pain After Car Accident . Food allergies or food intolerance: Cramping, bloating, nausea. The most prominent type of food intolerance is lactose intolerance. The risk of infection, bleeding, and organ damage is high if the object goes deep enough to enter the abdominal cavity. Most seat belts are designed with two parts: a lower strap that fits around the waist like a belt, and the upper strap that runs diagonally across the chest. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you experience persistent or severe abdominal pain following a car accident. Your nausea could be the first symptom of something serious, such as traumatic brain injury, internal organ damage Call 999 or go to A&E if: a stomach ache came on very suddenly or is severe. The discomfort is usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. I had severe diarrhea last Wednesday to Saturday. Nausea, vomiting or both. If left untreated, these can cause long-term damage or death. These injuries could be serious and require imm ediate attention to prevent further risks or problems to their health. Aug 19, 2023 · Traveler's diarrhea is a digestive tract disorder that commonly causes loose stools and stomach cramps. Richard Zimon: UNLIKELY: due to paint. And if your concussion develops into post-concussion syndrome, you can have a whole host of stomach problems resulting from that head injury for months or years afterward, such as: Nausea. premenstrual syndrome (PMS) irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common disorder affecting the Jan 31, 2024 · Diarrhea after eating may have causes including: sudden changes in diet. Aug 14, 2023 · Seek immediate medical attention if diarrhea lasts longer than two days for adults. Nausea can be a symptom of many brain injuries, including the previously mentioned concussion or TBI. Loss of consciousness that lasts between one and 24 hours is often classified as a moderate brain injury Mar 11, 2014 · The gallbladder is anatomically well-protected and injury during blunt trauma is rare, identified in only 2. AP can also involve Jul 17, 2020 · Hip Fractures. 5. kidney stones – small stones may be passed out in your urine, but Jun 5, 2015 · A 4-year-old girl is brought to the ED after the car she and her mother were in was hit by another vehicle. your poo is bloody or black and sticky and extremely smelly. The impact may have put increased pressure on the brain resulting in an upset stomach. 1. In some cases, the stress of an accident and surrounding events may be enough to cause gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Please do not ignore your stomach pain after a car accident–it could be a symptom of a severe injury. Food poisoning, a type of foodborne illness, is a sickness people get from something they ate or drank. Car accident injuries to your abdomen can also affect the soft tissues in your body, like your muscles and tendons. Secretory diarrhea 10 can be caused by bacteria, diseases, laxatives, certain drugs, or medical problems. The pain is horrible. If you experience any abdominal pain after a car accident, it could be a sign of internal bleeding. If you start experiencing stomach pain and diarrhea after a car accident, it is worth getting evaluated. Gastrointestinal distress (like diarrhea) Constipation. 3. Rib pain after a car accident is a sure sign of an injury. 12 Isolated gallbladder rupture is a rare occurrence and in a review of the English literature You may not think to associate stomach pain or GI issues such as diarrhea with your accident, but these commonly affect accident victims in a variety of ways. Physical examination reveals contusions and abrasions on the abdomen, consistent with seat belt sign, and inguinal lacerations. It often affects older people and those with Alzheimer’s disease. Feb 16, 2023 · Gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu, is a very common intestinal infection. Stomach Pain and Diarrhea After Car Accident: Should I Be Concerned? Cervical spine instability and digestive disorders: Indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome – Caring Medical Florida Stomach Pains After Car Accident - Get Help, Accident Legal Jul 16, 2020 · Common symptoms of shoulder dislocation include a sudden onset of extreme and continuous pain, bruising and swelling of the affected area, and difficulty moving the arm. Symptoms of IBS usually include abdominal pain, coupled with bloating and more. Aug 30, 2022 · 4 min read. It Sep 17, 2021 · This can cause belly pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. A ruptured spleen is typically caused by a blow to the left upper stomach or the left lower chest, such as might happen during sporting accidents, fistfights and car crashes. A swollen spleen may be the cause of upper left abdominal pain. These conditions can be symptoms of internal bleeding resulting from organ damage. These injuries are serious on their own and are often addressed soon after the accident. When you visit a place where the climate or sanitary practices are Serious causes of sudden severe abdominal pain include: appendicitis – the swelling of the appendix means your appendix will need to be removed. Other times, nausea and vomiting can be a sign that the person is experiencing shock after the accident. food poisoning. Don't wait more than 24 hours if a young child or infant experiences watery diarrhea. Fever after Accident. Call 911 or take your Enlarged spleen. Stress: Many diseases can come from mental and physical distress. This pain can be caused due to various factors such as internal bleeding, organ damage or muscle strain. Penetrating. Bloating. If you have an injury to your stomach, abdominal area, or internal organs as a result of a motor vehicle accident, contact the Stomach pain and diarrhea after a car accident can be caused by the pressure of the seat belt, from being struck by a deployed airbag, or from striking an object within the vehicle such as the steering wheel or dashboard. Blunt trauma may involve a direct blow (eg, kick), impact with an object (eg, fall on bicycle handlebars), or sudden deceleration (eg, fall from a height, vehicle crash). Apr 2, 2024 · Apply ice to decrease swelling and pain. However, sometimes delayed injuries can appear days or even a week after a car accident. If your child Mar 20, 2023 · Acute pancreatitis (AP) is inflammation of the pancreas. If this passes quickly, it is likely related to stress and should simply Jan 23, 2023 · In the two weeks after a concussion, you might experience changes to your sense of taste or smell, loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting. You find blood in your urine. Apr 14, 2022 · Worse, "a lot of the food people eat is just too concentrated, so it leaves your stomach quickly,” he adds. 11 Most reported patients were involved in motor vehicle accidents and had multiple associated intra-abdominal injuries. May 22, 2020 · Lower Abdominal Pain After an Accident. It can be caused by the trauma of being in a crash, by chronic pain, or by the disabling nature of one’s injuries. Apr 22, 2023 · What is pain in stomach after car accident. Urine. If you have internal bleeding, it could go undiscovered for hours or even days. Feb 21, 2024 · Some common causes of car accident nausea can include: Damage to the digestive system: During a car crash, your abdominal region could be hit, causing damage to those organs. Some conditions can be hard to diagnose Jan 22, 2016 · The abdominal pain in the polytraumatized patients with seat belt syndrome may be dominated by the pain caused by extra-abdominal injuries. Whiplash: The force from a car accident can lead to whiplash, which can cause Aug 30, 2021 · 2. The impact could have caused the muscles in your back to spasm. If the airbag is not positioned correctly, it can hit the driver’s abdomen with excessive force, causing bruising, contusions, or other internal injuries. Low-grade fever. What Does Stomach Pain Mean after a Car Accident? With emergency phone calls, witness interviews, and police reports, the events following a When in a vehicle, the human body travels at a specific speed while being restrained by a seat belt. Mild confusion or disorientation may also be experienced. What can cause diarrhea and other abdominal issues after a car accident? One of the main factors is what is known as Apr 3, 2023 · Commonly Asked Questions about Lower Abdominal Pain after a Car Accident. A hematoma or internal bleeding could cause stomach bloating, swelling, nausea, and vomiting. 19. A week or two after your injury you may notice you feel more emotional than usual or have trouble sleeping. The discomfort is typically felt in the lower abdomen and can last for several hours at a time. Dec 27, 2023 · Key takeaways: Stomach pain after eating is a common symptom that may be caused by indigestion, food allergies, IBS, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and other conditions. Yes, a car accident can cause stomach issues. Borborygmi often accompanies diarrhea because it’s a sign that the muscles of your large intestine are contracting to help push food and waste through quickly. celiac disease, where the body cannot break down gluten, a protein found in Jan 24, 2024 · Stomach Pain and Back Pain after a Car Accident - Pro-Care Medical Centers Delayed Rib Pain After Car Accident - Chiropractor Conyers AICA Deaths from gastroenteritis double in U. Typically, stomach pain after eating does not require immediate medical attention and resolves within a few hours. Another reason for the delayed diagnosis is that the abdominal pain and tenderness can be attributed to the bruising or injury of the abdominal wall muscles rather than thinking of a serious intra-abdominal Penetrating injuries result when a sharp object, such as a knife, or a projectile, such as a bullet, breaks through the wall of the belly. Common causes of stomach pain after a car accident include internal bleeding, organ damage, blood vessel damage, organ rupture, or internal aggravation. Jan 5, 2021 · Signs that you may be suffering from internal injuries after an accident include: Bloating; Bruised stomach; Diarrhea; Feeling sick or unwell; Fever; Lower stomach pain; Nausea; Stomach cramps; Vomiting; Seat Belt Syndrome. Apr 6, 2024 · Overview. At the first sign of any pain, soreness, or even a fever, individuals who have been in a car accident should seek medical care. In addition, lifestyle changes, resting, heat/cold therapy, hydration, and relaxation techniques may also help alleviate pain and promote healing. do not feel well can't think clear-?" Answered by Dr. Jul 24, 2023 · Abdominal trauma caused by blunt force is a common presentation in the emergency room seen in adults and children. The chief cause of blunt abdominal trauma in the United States is motor vehicle accidents. Basically just like water, all food and liquid went straight through me. Abdominal Pain. Nausea and Abdominal Pain. acute cholecystitis – inflammation of the gallbladder, which may need to be removed. Possible signs of an internal injury include: Swollen stomach after car accident; Cuts or bruises where the seat belt rests on your abdomen; Upset stomach after car Bowel obstruction. You experience a high fever. The pain often radiates to your back. On palpation, the abdomen is distended, hard, and painful. Pain in the stomach after a car accident is a common symptom experienced by many individuals. May 16, 2023 · Experiencing abdominal cramps and chronic pain is a common way you can tell if you're having diarrhea after regular massage. Jul 11, 2021 · Damage or injury to your spinal cord from a car accident can lead to issues like incontinence or indigestion. It's better to be safe than sorry, so get checked out and do your due diligence until you get to the root of these issues. Apr 22, 2022 · Stool. Common causes include stomach bugs, food poisoning, gas, or acid reflux, or a chronic condition like irritable bowel syndrome or an ulcer. 1% of 1449 patients. In the majority of cases, traumatic injury to the coeliac artery is associated with injury to other intra-abdominal organs, including the Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to several physiologic complications including gastrointestinal dysfunction. Bruising on the stomach. Nausea accompanied by stomach pain after a car accident may also be a sign of internal organ damage that should not be taken lightly. When you’re dealing with an auto accident, you’re at risk for several different injuries. Occasionally, if the bleeding is behind the internal organs in the Jul 27, 2021 · In some instances, car accident victims are left with diagnosable chronic pain. This happens because of the impact of the car accident. You vomit blood. Here are a few common causes of stomach pain after a car accident: Apr 21, 2023 · Top 5 Facts You Need to Know About Lower Stomach Pain After Car Accident. ” – Elyse B. Persisting pain can result from broken bones, head injuries, back injuries, and neck injuries. Fortunately, traveler's diarrhea usually isn't serious in most people — it's just unpleasant. Abdominal injuries can be severe or even life-threatening, meaning that as soon as symptoms begin appearing, you’ll want to visit an Atlanta Orthopedic specialist to rule out internal Jun 9, 2023 · Lower abdominal pain is a common side effect of colonoscopy. Aug 14, 2023 · However, it is not uncommon for people to experience diarrhea after a traumatic event such as a car accident. You may also experience uncomfortable stomach symptoms like Feb 1, 2024 · Injury to the left side of the body. Symptoms include sadness, loss of interest in normal activities, and feelings of worthlessness. Lower stomach pain after a car accident can be a common symptom that many people experience. The stomach pain and diarrhea could start about a week after taking antibiotics. The causes are germs or other harmful things in the food or beverage. A ruptured spleen can cause dangerous internal bleeding and is a life-threatening medical emergency. Lower stomach pain is a common symptom of car accidents. Symptoms of food poisoning often include upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting. Ginger can relieve nausea and vomiting. Developing a fever after a car accident may be a major warning sign of a problem. NSAIDs. . Excessive gas causes generalized stomach cramping, typically after eating gas-producing foods like beans. Dec 12, 2023 · Takeaway. Stomach pain covers discomforts, cramps, and sharp pains, felt between your pelvis and rib cage. If your bowel movements are less than normal, you can expect some form of abdominal pain. Indigestion causes a burning discomfort in the epigastric area (upper middle abdomen). Occasional muscle aches or headache. Of all of the vessels, the coeliac axis is the least likely to be injured [ 1 ]. Choose a symptom. Vomiting/dry heaves. The intensity of the pain may vary depending on the cause and severity of the injury. it hurts when you touch your stomach. The cause is typically inflammation triggered by your immune system's response to a viral or bacterial infect ion. ” – Lauren H. The pain is accompanied by shortness of breath or dizziness. S. These side effects Depression after a car accident is a medical illness that affects how a person feels, acts and behaves. Feb 23, 2024 · Overview. You may notice relief after burping, passing gas, or having a bowel movement. In children, particularly young children, diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration. Depending on the cause, viral gastroenteritis symptoms may appear within 1-3 days after you're infected and can range from mild May 4, 2020 · A variety of stomach injuries that cause digestive problems can arise after a car accident. Seat belts have saved countless lives in car Feb 12, 2024 · Examples are car accidents, physical assaults, and falls. The hip is a joint that connects the thigh bone to the pelvis and is critical to our ability to move. Nov 3, 2020 · Signs and Symptoms of Abdominal Pain. An injured spleen can rupture soon after the stomach trauma or, in some cases, days or weeks after the injury. You should also call a healthcare provider if watery diarrhea is accompanied by: High fever; Severe abdominal or rectal pain; Black or bloody stools; Signs of dehydration Mar 20, 2024 · Bowel issues: Both diarrhea and constipation can cause abdominal pain symptoms. Nausea and vomiting is a less common symptom. Your digestive system may be unable to handle certain types of food or constituents. Small bowel obstruction is a blockage in the small intestine. Abdominal cramps can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by bouts of an upset stomach, bloating, and gas. Pain in your stomach may indicate internal bleeding, organ damage, blood vessel damage, or other severe injuries. a bleeding or perforated stomach ulcer. Diarrhea. Internal bleeding is a potentially serious complication of lower stomach Mar 29, 2024 · Next steps. Trouble digesting or absorbing certain foods can lead to stomach pain and diarrhea after eating. There are three main types of dislocated shoulders: anterior, posterior, and partial. Once dr Here’s what you should know about lower abdominal pain after a car accident. You have bloody or black stools. The pain that you’re dealing with might be Jan 26, 2023 · Possible causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea include: stomach flu. Mar 14, 2023 · severe abdominal pain. Nausea. Understanding these potential complications is essential for minimizing risk and seeking appropriate medical care. People naturally seek immediate medical help because of pain. Jan 26, 2017 · When someone experiences a head, neck, or brain injury, nausea and vomiting are usually a first symptom or side effect. Other common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. Has a fever above 102 F (39 C). Experiencing lower abdominal pain after a car accident doesn't have to be a serious matter, but you should always treat it as such. An airbag can cause stomach pain after a car accident if it deploys with too much force or in the wrong position. During an accident, your abdomen can slam against the steering wheel or Nov 15, 2022 · Causes of Rib Pain. It's most common in people receiving radiation therapy for cancer in the abdomen and pelvic areas. You experience persistent nausea or vomiting. In most cases, the pain should subside within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. did you spray in an "enclosed" area. Hips are also very commonly fractured, both in car accidents and through falls and other occurrences. Being an irritable bowel syndrome sufferer may contribute to prolonged abdominal pain after colonoscopy. Symptoms of mild TBI and concussion are different for each person. She is awake and alert and able to speak. Should the car get into an accident, the abrupt force subjects the body to a trauma that it is simply not meant to withstand, even at low speeds. “ Getting stuck in the bathroom for an embarrassing amount of time. Pain when urinating. Dizziness and fainting. Internal injuries are common, though not the most obvious that you’ll see. you cannot pee. Other less common stomach issues after a car accident include: abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. Colonoscopy and air inflation during the procedure can also trigger an IBS flare-up. Selected Select related factors. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in a plastic bag. Feb 1, 2021 · Common Causes of Stomach Pain and Issues. It's caused by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. Stomach pain is a common side effect of antibiotics, which disrupt the natural balance of gut flora. You may not realize that gastrointestinal distress, like stomach pain or diarrhea, can be caused by car accidents as well. Diarrhea can occur transiently if you have a sensitive stomach or an acute infection — but this should pass after a day or two. eating rich, fatty foods. 2. Treatment of stomach pain after eating varies by cause. “That’s why people belch while riding, and why people get gassy and bloated. You have a fever above 102 F (39 C). vomiting. Ginger, a fragrant edible root with bright yellow flesh, is a common natural remedy for nausea and Jan 4, 2012 · Abdominal pain following bout of diarrhea would really appreciate advice. Airbags can also cause abdominal trauma or aggravate pre-existing injuries. Your stool is black or bloody. you cannot poo or fart. diarrhea. However, some individuals may experience pain for up to a week or more. Symptoms may start anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours after having dairy products. Feb 21, 2021 · Whiplash, back pain, and broken bones may be injuries more commonly associated with car accidents, but there are other symptoms that can be a sign that something more serious is going on. Feb 10, 2022 · Lactose intolerance causes upset stomach, abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea after eating or drinking milk or milk products. The spleen is the organ damaged most commonly, followed by the liver and a hollow Feb 19, 2024 · Here are the 12 best foods for an upset stomach. This is because the body is in shock and is trying to rid itself of toxins. As with vomit, if you see blood in your child’s stool, along with abdomen pain, it might mean an infection, IBD, or some other issue that needs a doctor’s care. Specifically, TBI can induce an increase in intestinal permeability, which may lead to bacterial translocation, sepsis, and eventually multi-system organ failure. Because of the complexity in the hip, healing may require screws, plates, and rods to stabilize the area and return full mobility. Abdominal pain and/or swelling can be caused "diarrhea vomiting indigestion and fatigue after painting boxes with spray paint and 4 hours with boxes in my car. Food intolerance is surprisingly common. Or witnesses call 911. If you have large areas of deep purple bruising, dizziness and fainting, those could also be signs of internal bleeding. It occurs suddenly and causes pain in the upper abdominal (or epigastric) region. Lower abdominal pain after a car accident can be a confusing and worrisome symptom. The three most common are: 1. This spasm then causes your stomach pain as well as other symptoms. Oct 23, 2023 · Stomach pain following a car accident can develop for several reasons. Your abdomen is swollen and tender. Symptoms of mild TBI and concussion Take Lower Abdominal Pain After a Car Accident Seriously. Radiation enteritis is inflammation of the intestines that occurs after radiation therapy. There are many potential causes of this pain, and it can vary in severity. Delayed symptoms are also common and may result in permanent damage or death. Stomach cramps and pain. This type of diarrhea occurs when the intestine doesn’t properly absorb liquid and electrolytes, which then pass through the digestive tract rapidly, causing watery and loose stools. Food poisoning: General abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea a few hours after eating. However Abdominal trauma is typically also categorized by mechanism of injury: Blunt. For example, you may have headaches and feel sick to your stomach earlier on. Infections and liver disease are common causes. : After a car accident, you are likely to be on high alert for certain injuries, like whiplash or a broken bone, making it easy to miss certain symptoms. 8 Signs That Irritable Bowel Syndrome’s Causing Your Digestive Troubles. Seat Belt Bruise. Victims of blunt trauma often have both abdominal and extra-abdominal Feb 8, 2024 · Gas and Indigestion. Pain, particularly chronic pain, can have a significant impact on your livelihood. chest pain. food sensitivities. Jun 9, 2023 · Pain management, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and surgery are all possible medical treatments for lower abdominal pain after a car accident. Place it on your injured area for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed. While abdominal pain after a car accident is one sign of abdominal trauma or internal injury, there are other symptoms to watch for as well. The most common stomach issue after a car accident is nausea. Intercostal strain The intercostal muscles are muscles located in the body Jan 31, 2018 · 1. Feb 22, 2024 · Blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) is regularly encountered in the emergency department (ED). One potential cause of lower stomach pain after a car accident is damage to the abdominal organs. This activity describes the clinical presentation, evaluation, and management of blunt abdominal trauma and the importance of the Aug 3, 2023 · 6- Coexisting irritable bowel syndrome. Nausea is caused by the sudden jolt of the body and can be accompanied by vomiting. you're vomiting blood or your vomit looks like ground coffee. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Identify and Treat Abdominal Pain Months Feb 20, 2021 · In more serious cases, stomach pain and diarrhea can be a sign of damage to the internal organs in your abdomen. Feb 3, 2023 · Loss of consciousness and/or disorientation are common after head trauma. Mar 18, 2024 · Secretory Diarrhea. Call your doctor if your child's diarrhea doesn't improve within 24 hours or if your child: Becomes dehydrated. “ Any stress I have normally shows as violent stomach cramps and diarrhea, especially when I have a high pain day. Symptoms usually start within hours or several days of eating the food. Anxiety and panic disorders are connected to abdominal pain as well. TMI alert- it started with aches and pains (assumed was getting a cold), then out of the blue had terrible diarrhea. When looking for a car accident doctor in Lithia Springs, AICA Lithia Springs takes Some of the most prevalent symptoms of a stomach injury following a car crash include: Generalized stomach pain. You may need to change jobs or stop working, and you may be unable to participate in Blunt abdominal trauma results in injury to the major intra-abdominal vasculature in approximately 5–10% of cases [ 1 ]. Cover it with a towel before you apply it to your skin. Let’s dive into some of the most commonly Apr 13, 2023 · Short answer: Abdominal pain months after a car accident could be due to a variety of causes including internal bleeding, organ damage, or musculoskeletal injuries. Here are three common complications: Internal Bleeding. The seat Oct 21, 2023 · Lower stomach pain after a car accident can sometimes lead to complications if not properly addressed. If you are jolted or jerked around during the force of impact, it could cause strains or sprains to your soft tissues Sep 30, 2020 · Stomach Pain After Car Accident. If the pain is intense or you also have vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or other symptoms, you may need Aug 22, 2023 · You have severe abdominal or rectal pain. Symptoms may change during recovery. causes: Bowel prep can trigger an IBS flare up that lasts for a week or more after colonoscopy. I am getting my gall bladder checked. “ My stomach produces too much acid. If you’ve been involved in a car crash and are experiencing lower abdominal pain, you’re likely to have several questions on your mind. This is a fairly common problem after the blunt trauma of an auto accident, due to the abdominal region impacting the lap restraint of a seat belt. This type of pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and could indicate potential internal injuries or other medical conditions. They can last for a few hours to a day afterwards, and may be relieved by having a bowel May 26, 2023 · 1. Yes, it is normal to have diarrhea after a car accident. After a mild traumatic brain injury, there may be no loss of consciousness or it may only last a few minutes. Mayo Clinic staff say that taking a course of antibiotics can cause watery, loose stools as well as lower abdominal pain. Jan 18, 2022 · Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection. An enlarged spleen. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. This can be due to stress or anxiety, which can disrupt the digestive system and cause diarrhea. shortness of breath. If you were injured in a car accident, you may have experienced whiplash, broken bones, or injury to your spine or neck. In this article, we’ll cover the top Aug 6, 2018 · Here are some common medications that are known to cause abdominal pain with diarrhea: Antibiotics. You may notice bloody or dark vomit or stool. you cannot breathe. Food intolerance. After a minor injury to the belly, pain, nausea, or vomiting may occur. The most common types of rib pain after a car accident are: Costochondral separation This rib injury occurs when the ribs separate from the cartilage connecting the ribs to the breastbone. The lack of historical data and the presence of distracting injuries or altered mental status, from head injury or intoxication, can make these injuries difficult to diagnose and manage. nausea. Stomach pain after a car accident may be a sign of a serious injury and require emergency attention. The stomach pain and other back pains after car accidents are usually the result of damage to the lower back muscles. This Could Be the Sign of an Internal Injury. This may occur quickly after the events or in the following time as you recover. If you’ve been injured near your spleen, beware that it may rupture and bleed. It doesn’t take a serious injury to cause these types of issues; in fact, the smallest misalignments in the spine can affect your control over your bladder and bowel. Typical symptoms are abdominal pain and swelling, constipation, vomiting, and dehydration. Headaches, stiffness in the neck, confusion, shortness of breath, light-headedness, blood in the stool or urine, or low blood pressure all indicate you should seek medical care immediately. If you or your loved one sustained injuries from an accident caused by another driver, call one of our Eason & Tambornini personal injury attorneys to learn more about what could be done about your injuries. food allergies. you have chest pain. Radiation enteritis causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps in people receiving radiation aimed at the abdomen, pelvis or rectum. It is always good to seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you are not in pain. Feb 20, 2021 · Some symptoms may indicate an abdominal injury that has gone unnoticed. bf xr sk ic pf kx zo to mv sz